“Listening to God” Bible Reading & Devotion: Jan 10, 2025 – Psalms 070


Read chapter in full: biblegateway.com/passage/?version=ESV&search=Psalms+070



Psalm 70 (ESV)

1 Make haste, O God, to deliver me!
O Lord, make haste to help me!
Let them be put to shame and confusion
who seek my life!
Let them be turned back and brought to dishonor
who delight in my hurt!
Let them turn back because of their shame
who say, “Aha, Aha!”

May all who seek you
rejoice and be glad in you!
May those who love your salvation
say evermore, “God is great!”
But I am poor and needy;
hasten to me, O God!
You are my help and my deliverer;
O Lord, do not delay!



  1. Silence – Read/Listen – Meditate – Pray – Contemplate
  2. What is the word or phrase that touches you today as you read and meditate on this passage? What is your emotion as you read this word or phrase? How is that related to your current situation? What does God tell you to do?
  3. Have you ever asked God to “hasten” in replying your prayer? What was it? Did God oblige you? If not, did you still praise Him? Or did you become impatient, even spiteful?



Stay with God for a little longer.  Continue to converse with God and listen to what He wants to tell you.  Then write down any thought and/or prayer in your spiritual journal.



Psalm 70 – www.youtube.com/watch?v=tRtYA–EwuU


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