Pastor’s Corner: Rev. Yip, March 2010
In January my mission trip took me to two cities in India: Hyderabad and Kolkata. I came back with a deeper appreciation of Canada as a haven of freedom and rest, yet at the same time with an awareness of God’s great work outside the western world.
牧者心聲 葉牧師 2010年3月
我在1月份短宣中到訪印度2個城市-海德拉巴 (Hyderabad)和 加爾各答 (Kolkata). 回來加國後﹐我不但為能夠居住在如 此自由和安寧的加拿大而感恩﹐我也比以往更深察覺神在西方國家以外的奇妙工作。