260靈修 Sept. 27, 2011: 帖撒羅尼迦後書 第二章 II Thessalonians 2

13 主所愛的弟兄們哪,我們本該常為你們感謝 神;因為他從起初揀選了你們,叫你們因信真道,又被聖靈感動,成為聖潔,能以得救。 14  神藉我們所傳的福音召你們到這地步,好得著我們主耶穌基督的榮光。 15 所以,弟兄們,你們要站立得穩,凡所領受的教訓,不拘是我們口傳的,是信上寫的,都要堅守。 16 但願我們主耶穌基督和那愛我們、開恩將永遠的安慰並美好的盼望賜給我們的父 神, 17 安慰你們的心,並且在一切善行善言上堅固你們。



  1. 信主得救是屬靈生命的開始,而不單單是購得上天堂的門票。保羅知道帖撒羅尼迦教會正面對逼迫、假教師、世俗化和種種在真理上搖擺不定和離開信仰的情況。他勸告他們要“站立得穩”和堅守主的教訓。
  2. 每週主日崇拜的程序單,可以提醒我重溫所聽的道,定時為各項事工、信徒禱告,幫助我操練“站立得穩”,“堅守主道”。
  3. 我也會遇到各樣類似叫我偏離神的試探,我有沒有在主的道上站立得穩,並堅守主的教訓?
  4. 為每週預備崇拜各項環節的傳道人及弟兄姐妹感謝神,願神喜悅他們的服事並以此與他們個人親近。並求主祝福每一位及他們的工作、婚姻、家庭、前途。






II Thessalonians Chapter 2:13-17

13But we ought always to thank God for you, brothers loved by the Lord, because from the beginning God chose you to be saved through the sanctifying work of the Spirit and through belief in the truth. 14He called you to this through our gospel, that you might share in the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. 15So then, brothers, stand firm and hold to the teachings we passed on to you, whether by word of mouth or by letter.  16May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, 17encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word.



  1. Accepting Christ and the salvation is only the beginning of one’s spiritual life and not just procuring a ticket to heaven.  Paul understands the Thessalonian church is facing persecution, false teaching, secularization and various uncertainties.  Therefore, he tells them to “stand firm” and hold fast to God’s teaching.
  2. I also encounter all kinds of forces constantly trying to pull me away from God.  How am I doing in Holding Fast and Standing Firm?
  3. The Worship Bulletin each Sunday helps me to review what I hear at the service.  It also helps me to pray for various ministries, needs and people.  By doing so, I am being built up to Stand Firm and Hold Fast to the faith and God’s teaching.
  4. Spend some time remembering the different segments of the Worship service.  Thank God for each one of those who work diligently.  Pray that God will delight in their weekly sacrifices and be near them.  Bless their job, studies, marriage, family and future.



Family Time (Begin this time by reading the passage above using a children’s Bible.)

Suggestions for a good use of the Sunday Bulletin or children church “take-home-paper”.  If there is no “take-home-paper”, you may share the adults Sunday bulletin with the children.  Use the Weekly Prayer List to encourage prayers for various people, ministries and needs of our church, missionaries, and people around the world.  Write the prayer item for today in your Family Devotional Journal.


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