260靈修 Feb. 21, 2012: 希伯來書 第一章Hebrew 1



1神在古時候,曾經多次用種種方法,藉著先知向我們的祖先說話;2在這末後的日子,卻藉著他的兒子向我們說話。神已經立他作萬有的承受者,並且藉著他創造了宇宙(“宇宙”或譯:“諸世界”或“眾世代”)。3他是神榮耀的光輝,是神本質的真象,用自己帶有能力的話掌管萬有;他作成了潔淨罪惡的事,就坐在高天至尊者的右邊。4 他所承受的名比天使的名更尊貴,所以他遠比天使崇高。



  1. 重讀幾遍這幾節經文,讓它在我心中回響,熟悉這些字句,嘗試背熟它。
  2. 花些時間默想這段經文。若是可能,站在一面鏡子前面,看看自己的影像。想一想,這是多不可思議的事,耶穌來到世上,竟然是向世界反映神的形象!再想想,耶穌竟然統管著整個宇宙萬物,祂是維繫人類歷史的重要因素!我對耶穌的認識,與這裡的描述,有多少差距?
  3. 再一次站在鏡子前面,看著鏡中的我,並求神賜我勇氣與指引;幫助我在世上,在每天生活中都能像鏡子一樣,反映耶穌的樣子。
  4. 思想我今天當如何反映耶穌的形象,並且實際地去做出來。







Hebrews (NIV)

Chapter 1

1In the past God spoke to our forefathers through the prophets at many times and in various ways, 2but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom he made the universe. 3The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word. After he had provided purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven.


  1. Read these few verses a few times.  Become familiar with the words and try to memorize it.
  2. Spend time meditating on the passage.  If possible, stand in front of a mirror and see my own reflection in the mirror.  How incredible it is that Jesus is to be like a mirror to reflect God’s image to the world!  Then consider the monumental act of holding everything together.   He is indeed the backbone of human history!  Is my knowledge of God different from what is described here?
  3. Stand in front of the mirror and look at my own reflection again. And ask God for the courage and guidance to help me mirror Jesus to the world, reflecting him as I go about every day.
  4. Consider how I might reflect Jesus today – and do it.


Prayer & Journaling:

Stay with God for a little longer.  Continue to converse with God and listen to what he wants to tell me.  Then write down any thought and/or prayer in the “Spiritual Journal” book.


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