45 耶穌進了殿,趕出裏頭做買賣的人, 46 對他們說:「經上說:我的殿必作禱告的殿,你們倒使它成為賊窩了。」 47 耶穌天天在殿裏教訓人。祭司長和文士與百姓的尊長都想要殺他, 48 但尋不出法子來,因為百姓都側耳聽他。
- 我們的教會是許多有意義的事情之中心,但禱告是否教會中最重要關注的事,或僅僅是額外的點綴,聚會的“序曲”?在我們教會裡聚會的信徒,他們是以禱告為信仰生活的核心嗎?新約中信徒就是神的殿,我們就是禱告之殿。但有多少時候我們真正地成為禱告的殿呢?我心裡是否仍在盤算買賣交易、未完成的工作、家中不能解決的糾紛?耶穌非常看重神的殿應當是禱告的地方,若是沒有與父神親密的相交,做任何其他的事都不會有果效,失喪的不能被尋回,被罪捆綁的不會得釋放。
- 我是否與耶穌一樣,認為在我肉身這個殿中,禱告真是重要不可缺少?我是否認為禱告是這麼關鍵性,若不禱告,一切的事都會有問題?
- 我每天都遵照萬民堂的每週的祈禱週誌,為所列事項忠心禱告嗎?若還沒有,這個星期開始,將主日崇拜的秩序單帶回家,每天按著所列事情,為教會,各項事工,信徒需要,以及遠近的宣教士等禱告,使我我成為真實的禱告殿。
Luke 19
45Then he entered the temple area and began driving out those who were selling. 46“It is written,” he said to them, ” ‘My house will be a house of prayer’; but you have made it ‘a den of robbers.’” 47Every day he was teaching at the temple. But the chief priests, the teachers of the law and the leaders among the people were trying to kill him. 48Yet they could not find any way to do it, because all the people hung on his words.
- Our churches are centers for many good things, but is prayer an overriding concern or simply a nice extra? Is it the heart and soul of the body of believers who meet here? It is the people who are the temple of God in the New Testament; it is us who are the house of prayer. But how much of a house of prayer are we? Are we full of buying and selling? Are we a place where spiritual greed, theft, and religious sleight of hand are firmly lodged? Jesus thought it very important. Perhaps he felt without that communion with God the Father nothing else would ever make any difference, the lost would never be found, those enslaved would never be freed.
- Do I share that same passion for prayer in my body, the temple of God? Do I believe it is so critical, so essential that everything else is at risk without it?
- Do I pray faithfully according to the PGC prayer calendar? If not, then starting from this week, always remember to bring the Sunday Worship Bulletin home. Use the Weekly Prayer Guide to pray for our church, the different ministries, people’s needs, missionaries, and other matters. May I become a true “house of prayer”.
Family Time
V38 is a hymn of praise to God originally found in Psalm 118:26. Let each family member choose a favorite hymn of praise and explain why it is his or her favorite hymn. Sing one verse of each hymn. Close your family worship with sentence prayers that thank God for who he is.