260靈修 Oct. 19 2011: 路加福音第十五章Luke 15


1眾稅吏和罪人都挨近耶穌,要聽他講道。 2 法利賽人和文士私下議論說:「這個人接待罪人,又同他們吃飯。3 耶穌就用比喻說: 4 「你們中間誰有一百隻羊失去一隻,不把這九十九隻撇在曠野、去找那失去的羊,直到找著呢? 5 找著了,就歡歡喜喜地扛在肩上,回到家裏, 6 就請朋友鄰舍來,對他們」說:『我失去的羊已經找著了,你們和我一同歡喜吧!』 7 我告訴你們,一個罪人悔改,在天上也要這樣為他歡喜,較比為九十九個不用悔改的義人歡喜更大。」


  1. 耶穌藉著這個故事描述了父神的形像,就像牧羊人尋找迷失的羊,天父也在尋找他的迷羊,「人子來,為要尋找拯救失喪的人。」
  2. 我對神有怎樣的形像?我怎樣看那些我所接觸的「罪人」?我的態度是像耶穌那樣,為要尋找失喪的人呢?還是像宗教領袖,一副輕蔑不屑的態度?
  3. 禱告:親愛的天父,謝謝你藉著迷羊的故事,讓我重溫父神尋找亡羊的形像。求你將這樣的生命賜給我,幫助我將你最真實的形像,傳達給我所接觸的人——傳達你的愛而不是漠視,你的恩慈而不是定罪,你的仁慈而不是批判。我特別要為______________ (一位還不認識主的)禱告。。。。

Luke 15

1Now the tax collectors and “sinners” were all gathering around to hear him. 2But the Pharisees and the teachers of the law muttered, “This man welcomes sinners and eats with them.”  3Then Jesus told them this parable: 4“Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Does he not leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it? 5And when he finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders 6and goes home. Then he calls his friends and neighbors together and says, ‘Rejoice with me; I have found my lost sheep.’ 7I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent.


  1. Jesus portrayed a picture of God who is like the shepherd searching for his lost sheep so God searches for His lost ones, “for the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost”.
  2. What is my picture of God?  How do I view the “sinners” around me?  Is my attitude that of seeking the lost, the way Jesus did, or standing aloof and casting a disparaging glance, the way the religious leaders did?
  3. Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for the picture of you searching for the lost sheep.  Help me to relate your true picture to those I come in contact with: your love, not indifference, your grace, not judgement, your kindness, not criticism.  I pray especially for ……………………. (someone who does not know the Lord).

Family Time

Have you ever done things that the Bible calls sin?  How did you feel when you see them?  Was there anything you wanted to do then?  What was it?  Was your attitude similar or different from the shepherd who went to look for his lost sheep?  What does Jesus want us to feel and do for these people?  Discuss some ways that your family can do to show you’re following Jesus’ teaching.  Write them on the Family Journal.


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