18 小子們哪,我們相愛,不要只在言語和舌頭上,總要在行為和誠實上。19 從此就知道我們是屬真理的,並且我們的心在 神面前可以安穩。 20 我們的心若責備我們, 神比我們的心大,一切事沒有不知道的。 21 親愛的弟兄啊,我們的心若不責備我們,就可以向 神坦然無懼了。 22 並且我們一切所求的,就從他得著;因為我們遵守他的命令,行他所喜悅的事。 23 神的命令就是叫我們信他兒子耶穌基督的名,且照他所賜給我們的命令彼此相愛。 24 遵守 神命令的,就住在 神裏面, 神也住在他裏面。我們所以知道 神住在我們裏面是因他所賜給我們的聖靈。
- 緩慢並且仔細地讀這段經文,細心咀嚼一下:為什麼「當我們愛別人的時候,我們就能夠不再受內心的責備(自我批評,21節)」?有什麼觸動我心的字句?
- 我是否經常責備自己?是否經常自我批評,或是很難接受別人的稱讚或肯定?和神一起來思考這個問題,告訴祂我的情況與領受。
- 為何約翰如此確認「愛別人」與「從自我批評中釋放」(我們的心不責備我們)兩者有關?思考這兩者有什麼關連(18-20,24)?
- 今天,特別注意我對自己的批評,或是輕看別人對我的讚賞。將這些事記下來,花幾分鐘把今天所遇到與想到的和神交談。再回想約翰所寫有關愛人與愛己(不受自我批評的捆綁)的經文,感謝並接受神樂意賜下的「坦然無懼」的心(21節)。
18Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth. 19This then is how we know that we belong to the truth, and how we set our hearts at rest in his presence 20whenever our hearts condemn us. For God is greater than our hearts, and he knows everything. 21Dear friends, if our hearts do not condemn us, we have confidence before God 22and receive from him anything we ask, because we obey his commands and do what pleases him. 23And this is his command: to believe in the name of his Son, Jesus Christ, and to love one another as he commanded us. 24Those who obey his commands live in him, and he in them. And this is how we know that he lives in us: We know it by the Spirit he gave us.
- Read this passage slowly and carefully. Think: why can we cease to be controlled by the internal voice of self-criticism when we love others (v21)?
- What role does self-criticism play in my life? Do I constantly criticize myself or do I find it difficult to receive compliments or affirmation? Explore this with God, and talk with Him about what I discover.
- Why does John so firmly ties loving others and freedom from self-criticism? Ponder this connection(18-20,24).
- Pay special attention today to my self-criticism. Jot these things down. Then, talk to God about it. Recall what John says about loving others and self-criticism, and ponder it some more. Thank God and accept the “confidence before God” (v21).
Prayer & Journaling:
Stay with God for a little longer. Continue to converse with God and listen to what he wants to tell me. Then write down any thought and/or prayer in the 2012 “Spiritual Journal” book.