7 神啊,你曾在你百姓前頭出來,在曠野行走。
8 那時,地見神的面而震動,天也落雨,西奈山見以色列神的面也震動。
9 神啊,你降下大雨。你產業以色列疲乏的時候,你使他堅固。
10 你的會眾住在其中。神啊,你的恩惠是為困苦人預備的。
11 主發命令,傳好信息的婦女成了大群。
12 統兵的君王逃跑了,逃跑了;在家等候的婦女分受所奪的。
13 你們安臥在羊圈的時候,好像鴿子的翅膀鍍白銀,翎毛鍍黃金一般。
14 全能者在境內趕散列王的時候,勢如飄雪在撒們。
15 巴珊山是神的山,巴珊山是多峰多嶺的山。
16 你們多峰多嶺的山哪,為何斜看神所願居住的山?耶和華必住
17 神的車輦累萬盈千,主在其中,好像在西奈聖山一樣。
18 你已經升上高天擄掠仇敵;你在人間,就是在悖逆的人間受了
關連 沒有?神想要你做什麼?
Chapter 68
7 When you, God, went out before your people,
when you marched through the wilderness,
8 the earth shook, the heavens poured down rain,
before God, the One of Sinai,
before God, the God of Israel.
9 You gave abundant showers, O God;
you refreshed your weary inheritance.
10 Your people settled in it,
and from your bounty, God, you provided for the poor.
11 The Lord announces the word,
and the women who proclaim it are a mighty throng:
12 “Kings and armies flee in haste;
the women at home divide the plunder.
13 Even while you sleep among the sheep pens,
the wings of my dove are sheathed with silver,
its feathers with shining gold.”
14 When the Almighty scattered the kings in the land,
it was like snow fallen on Mount Zalmon.
15 Mount Bashan, majestic mountain,
Mount Bashan, rugged mountain,
16 why gaze in envy, you rugged mountain,
at the mountain where God chooses to reign,
where the Lord himself will dwell forever?
17 The chariots of God are tens of thousands
and thousands of thousands;
the Lord has come from Sinai into his sanctuary.
18 When you ascended on high,
you took many captives;
you received gifts from people,
even from the rebellious—
that you, Lord God, might dwell there.
1. Silence – Read/Listen – Meditate – Pray – Contemplate
2. If time permits, read through the whole psalm for today. God is praised
for his triumphal march through history, in scenes that recall the exodus,
his appearance at Sinai, the thunderstorm that defeated Sisera in Deborah’s
time, and the rains which made the Promised Land a place of blessing.
3. What is the word or phrase that touches you today as you read and meditate
on this passage? What is your emotion as you read this word or phrase?
How is that related to your current situation? What does God tell you to
4. Briefly review your personal “salvation history”. What was your Egypt?
Your exodus? Desert? Promised land? Kingdom expansion? What evil
had to be rooted out of your life?
5. Read this passage again with your own history in mind. Praise God as you
read along.
Prayer & Journaling:
Stay with God for a little longer. Continue to converse with God and listen to
what he wants to tell me. Then write down any thought and/or prayer in the
2012 “Spiritual Journal” book.