牧者心聲 蕭智雄牧師 | Pastor’s Corner Rev. Chi Hung Siu



兒女們也為我們精心製作了賀卡,別出心裁,十分創意;但願我和我家,都能專一事奉耶和華。母親的賀卡,早一週就收到;卡是由弟弟挑選,妹妹寫下金句:『務要牧養在你們中間 神的群羊,按著 神旨意照管他們;不是出於勉強,乃是出於甘心;也不是因為貪財,乃是出於樂意;也不是轄制所託付你們的,乃是作群羊的榜樣。』(彼前5:2-3),還添上母親親筆的祝福。按立禮後,打電話給母親詳細報告,她再三跟我說,每天為我們禱告。多年來,生活在異國他鄉,總有點像斷線的風箏,隨風飄泊的感受。只是家人和弟兄姊妹的關愛與禱告,讓我們在人生的窄路上并不孤單,更是溫暖,亦有依靠。

有一位認識多年的牧師好友,送來一本剛出版的新書『為什麼教會不像樣』,作者陳喜謙牧師是我信仰啟蒙期的導師,所以一口氣讀了近百頁,猶如當年坐在臺下,聆聽他的訓誨;我在自省:我有一個整全健康的教會觀嗎?對我這個牧場新丁,實在受用非淺。書中的圖片,也讓我想起依稀的往事,回顧神先在的恩典,長輩們對我耐心的牧養;記得中學畢業那年,剛信主不久,卻被謙叔請去參加學生領袖的培訓營會;往後的數十年,我就與學生結了不解緣。大學時代認識了OMF的宣教士David Michell,替他打字、看家、做保姆。。。眼見先生和夫人對主的忠誠,對人的愛心和關懷,對傳福音的熱心和迫切,我也曾經一度衝動,想去當宣教士;作研究生的時候,蒙游宏湘牧師接待,住在他家裡一個月,跟他實習傳道;可我不肖,蹉跎三十載,還不願放棄纏身世務。這些年來,幸得教會牧長,校園的同工義工,多方策勵鼓舞。。。一幕一幕的往事,都是神豐厚恩典的明證。



1. 在4月5日﹐我們感恩地慶祝蕭傳道的按牧典禮﹐及柯傳道與任傳道的就職典禮。
2. 李傳道在4月回港一星期探望他垂危的姐姐﹐為她在床邊施洗。她在4月14日安然離世與主同在﹐求主安慰他的家人。
3. 利民牧師將在4月25日至5月9日回到中國西安探望他的女兒Colleen﹐並會在4月28日與她一起回到西部探望2年前短宣接觸的學生﹐求主賜福機會﹐保守出入村莊的平安。
4. 恭喜英文堂實習傳道蕭重信(Joshua)弟兄將在7月結婚﹐此後因應神學院要求﹐他將會轉到另一間教會事奉。
5. 五月開始英文堂將有一位新的實習傳道Tom More, 他會接管蕭弟兄現有在青少年中的事奉﹐Tom 是天道神學院的學生。
6. 國語堂實習傳道田寧姊妹將繼續帶領中學生事工﹐並探訪會友﹐給與牧者的關懷。
7. 萬民堂現正尋找英語少年事工的實習傳道來開展英文事工。

Pastor’s Corner Rev. Chi Hung Siu

“Rev. Siu, congratulations on your Ordination!” Brothers and sisters warmly greeted me warmly even before I stepped into Sanctuary A! “Praise the Lord, I would not have become the person I am today without you all!”

If it was not the compulsion of Jesus’ love, I would not have chosen to be a pastor; if it was not the care and support from the brothers and sisters, I would not have such enduring strength to serve. Therefore, I am deeply grateful for all your love, blessings, gifts, kind words and thoughts from near and afar.
My children have also designed a beautiful and creative card for us. How I wish myself and my house will serve the LORD diligently! What a blessing also to receive my mother’s handwritten card which is chosen by my brother. My sister wrote, “2Be shepherds of God’s flock that is under your care, serving as overseers—not because you must, but because you are willing, as God wants you to be; not greedy for money, but eager to serve; 3not lording it over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock.” 1 Peter 5:2-3 Right after the ceremony, I called my mom and she repeatedly assured me that we are in her prayers every day. I used to feel like my life was wandering as a “broken kite” after so many years of living away from home, but with family and church’s love I had indeed found warmth and support.

A long-time friend and pastor gave me a newly published book “Why is the church so weak?” written by Rev. Hey-Him Chan. I quickly read through the first 100 pages as Rev. Chan has been my great mentor during my early Christian years. It was an experience as if I was listening to him by his feet. How great it helped me as a new pastor as I reflected deeply on: Do I have an integrated and healthy view of the church? The photographs in the book also bring back a lot of memories! They overwhelmed me with God’s grace by surrounding me with many great examples of faith who patiently shepherded me. As a new Christian at 18, I was invited by Rev. Chan to a Leadership Training Camp and from then onwards brought me decades into student ministry. While I was in university, I was blessed to meet OMF missionary Mr & Mrs David Michell. While I helped in his home typing, babysitting, doing chores….my eyes were opened by their example of faithfulness to the Lord , genuine care and love for people, and their zeal and earnestness for the Gospel. How impulsively I dreamt to become a missionary like them too! While I attended graduate school, I was blessed to live with Rev. Wally Yeu for a month and be his pastoral intern. However, I was so weak and unwilling to give up the world that I’ve wasted 30 years since then to answer God’s call. Yet, God has testified His unfailing grace on me through the patience of my church pastors and the campus co-workers’ various admonishment and encouragement throughout these years.

I cherish each and everyone of your kind thoughts and words and I have read them through again and again. Among them we also found an ESSO gift card! What a great reminder of “forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead!”
Flowers from you also brought sweet fragrance to our home. May we have the aroma of Christ each and everyday!

(translated by Mrs. Connie Liu)

Staff News
1. It was a blessed celebration when Pastor Siu received ordination and Pastor Or and Pastor Ren received induction on April 5.
2. Pastor Lee went back to Hong Kong for a week in April to see his dying sister. Although she went to be with the Lord on April 14 he was able to see her and administer baptism before she passed away. May the Lord comfort the family.
3. Pastor Lippman is now taking a leave without pay from April 25 to May 9 going to China to visit his daughter. This is a really special part as he gets to visit his old students from his mission trip 2 years ago. Colleen will go with him to the west on April 28. Please pray for good connections with his former students and access to the village where they taught.
3. Congratulation to Joshua Siu, the intern for English ministry, for getting married in July. After that he will serve in another church as required by his theological school.
4. Tom More will come as the new intern for English ministry beginning in May. He will take over Joshua’s ministry which is to oversee the teens’ ministry. Tom is now a student at Tyndale University College.
5. Tian Ling, the intern for Mandarin ministry, continues to oversee a growing high school ministry and provide pastoral care and visitation to many members.